Check out our new
I-COZY! Perfect for those
Whether you want to protect it from scratches, carry it around or just have a cute case for it, this is the way to go.
THREE different designs in one pattern, you can pick the perfect one for you and a friend!
Plus, it is
FAT QUARTER FRIENDLY! So go through your stash and find your old favorites!
This First design is the
Horizontal Stripe. It is great for a little extra pizazz! (pictured above)

The Second design is
Solid Fabric. It is great if you have a busy and exciting fabric and really want to feature it! (pictured to the right)

And the Third design is the
Vertical Stripe. It is the perfect design to add a little sass and character to your booklet! (pictured to the left)
Also pictured on the left is the
Carrying Case. Perfectly sized to slide the iPad with the cover on into it for safe travel. It is great to sling over your shoulder on your way out the door. Plus there are convenient inside and outside buttons.
For the iPad Cover (8" x 10") you will need:
- 2 Coordinating Fat Quarters
- 1/8 yd or scrap fabric for center accent strip (optional)
- 1/2 yd Fusible Woven Interfacing such as Pellon Shape Flex SF101
- 1/2 yd Stiff Interfacing such as Peltex 70
- 3/4" Elastic
- 3/4" Velcro
- Large Decorative Buttons
Carrying Case (9 x 10 x 1 1/2) with inside and outside pockets
- 3 coodinating Fat Quarters
- 1/8 yd Accent Fabric for Tab
- 1/2 yd Fusible Fleece such as Pellon Thermolam Plus TP971F
- 1/2 yd Fusible Interfacing such as Pellon Shape Flex SF101
- 3/4" Velcro
- Large Decorative Buttons

Pictured above: the iPad Cover opened with an iPad inside. The triangular corners keep it nice and cozy and prevent it from falling out.
Patterns are available now on our website: http://www.wpcreek.com/